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Brain is foggy with love

When our heart is filled with love Our visions become foggy We view smile as love Anger as love Mistakes as love Ignorance as love...

A pinch of freshness can help

I was watching a movie, about a girl who got HIV because she drank tender coconut water in the road where the straw has the virus from...

I did something terribly wrong

I did something terribly wrong In fact bad very bad to my mom And I realize that just now I have thought about it Things she wanted...

I miss you my mom

I miss you mom I miss my childhood with you I miss your togetherness I miss holding you while sleeping I miss wiping my hands on your...

Safe place

Walking through the tall grass All I can see is green grass and blue sky I could feel the warmth of the sun Don’t feel like turning back...

Payment time

Always there is a payment time Which we cannot escape You gain you earn You loose you pay Escape key is missing You can’t rewind ...

This moment

Be happy for the moment This moment is your life Omar Khayyam

Shopping for my heart

I used to enjoy buying things for my mother, first time when I started earning all she wanted was to buy her a new steam pressure cooker....

People who care

Thorns thorns thorns It’s pain everywhere Hard to find the people who care If you are lucky enough to have them You have to be lucky...

Missing Rhymes

I came for you and waiting for you? Do you know that? It’s like you are there for me, and I couldn’t find you for some time Then you...

Work in progress it is!!

Work in progress it is, well suited to mention about a married life Have seen projects start and completes, where we celebrate ...

What is Wildfly?

Wildfly is a full-blown, Java EE Application server, primarily known as Jboss AS, which now is supported by Red hat. The community...

What is Amazon Dynamo DB?

Amazon Dynamo is a NoSQL Database, offered by Amazon AWS Refer NoSQL Article for more information. For performance and scalability NoSQL...

What is SEO? Search Engine Optimization?

SEO, is a process of getting traffic natural or organic on search engines, where payment is not involved. Rojavaasam’s exclusive, tech...

Internet Of Things

In real-time world, there is a lot of things changing evolution of emerging trend in inter-networking of devices, like our cars,...

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