In my child hood I read a story, “A Fox and Grapes”
A fox trying to reach the grapes in the vine, and it couldn’t reach it. It tries, tries and tries again, still couldn’t reach it. Looking at the texture of grapes and the color, and the bunch ripe and hanging under the vine, with the smell of the fruit, the fox didn’t want to give up, it tried it got tired that it couldn’t try anymore. The fox said to itself finally, “Eww, this fruit is sour, too sour” and it left the place.
I was thinking about this story, and relating to my current life style, how many things I wanted and I couldn’t have it so I stopped trying? Is it because of ability? Or lack of ideas, motivation? What?
Another story came in my mind while these thought went through my mind, “Hare and the Tortoise”
The hare and a tortoise where racing, when the hare heard the tortoise wanted to race with it, it was laughing out loud, and then the race started, tortoise was still steady fast-moving in it pace, hare went halfway and turned around and saw the tortoise didn’t cross 1% of the race course still, it sounded like a silly win for the hare, it decided to take a nap while the tortoise trying to come along, tortoise kept the pace keep moving, when it came across the hare, it was still sleeping, tortoise moved forward, finally when the tortoise reach near the finish line, hare woke up, it was surprised to see the tortoise near the finish line, but the tortoise was just one step away and with the pace the tortoise won the race.
Sometimes, we just needs to be persistent, whatever strength the opponent has, just concentrate on what we have! What matters more is what we do without giving up :-)