It’s a matter of fraction everything is! Will you live or will you die Will you hold or will be held Will you care or will be cared Everything here is decided in fraction!
Who is paving the fraction for you? Is it the nature or is it the money Is it the power or is it the ego Is it the drink or is it the fate One couldn’t ever figure out the definite
Life is limited with possibilities unlimited It’s your choice to choose it wise Live like you love it or love like it takes it All ends in same way, without our choice
It’s a narrow line with life and death Wise to appreciate every moment Positive Possibilities are inherited for some Nevermind it’s not too late to pave your own
Small little rose I have in my hand I had to be wise to make it safe It’s sleeping with small breath sounding on my face Making me realize the value of life ……
One more time in my Life!