Life is something you can experience only by living, this saying has all meaning applied to it!
Huh.. it’s so complicated, one end we feel too much tied and committed to everything, other end we feel so detached!
Trying ourselves to glue on something which is not sticking on us, feels like trying to melt a metal and glue to the paper!
Sometimes mind is like volcano looking for one solution of a big sea wave to come and cool it down, good to imagine, But when in reality volcano and sea or near?
How every drop of the sea wave feels and how every flake of the volcano feels ! Unexplainable and complicated! That’s how our mind is sometimes!
Earlier science research of Astronomy, people said this is controlled by God when they reach a stage of unexplainable concepts, remember by saying that we just lose the possibility of finding a solution for those unexplainable concepts. Which then will be soon explained by the following generation or by someone right next to us!
If we just take this as an example, why can’t we do the same for our own life?
Sort of what we need, sort of what we like? How we want to live? Or we deciding it in such a way that we don’t regret in our death-bed? Find a solution to workout, like we can always just wrap the paper with the metal instead trying to melt it :) after all we didn’t come this long to give up, aren’t we?